Welcome! The ME/CFS Research Register provides an overview of medical research on ME/CFS (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). It contains lists and detailed descriptions of research projects, working groups, publications, and scientific events. All entries are linked with people (researchers and clinicians), organisations, and research networks connected to ME/CFS research. Further links to research areas and research types provide additional context. For more details, please read our announcement.
Summarised reports of the register's data can be found on our website: ME/CFS Research Update. The current scope of the ME/CFS Research Register (beta version) includes research conducted in Germany and Austria. More countries will be added in the future, depending on our resources.
The data contained in the register is carefully curated, regularly updated, and provided without any guarantees. Should you find gaps or errors, please use the feedback form to let us know. Please support our work for more biomedical research on ME/CFS!
Explore past and ongoing ME/CFS research projects. Get access to project details like descriptions, involved people, linked publications, and more.
Get access to working groups (labs) involved in ME/CFS research. Explore details, like descriptions, group members, linked projects, amongst others.
Browse journal articles and medical guidelines on ME/CFS. View details, like abstracts, linked projects and people, amongst others.
View scientific events centred around ME/CFS research. Browse details, like single event items, linked people, projects, publications, and more.