ME/CFS Research Foundation Logo

Research networks

This section of the ME/CFS Research Register (beta version) provides an overview of research networks working on ME/CFS. These networks include joint projects or research consortia with the involvement of multiple organisations or groups of people. By clicking on one of the research networks below, you will be directed to a separate page. There you will find research projects, areas, and types, as well as working groups, selected people, and publications connected with the research network. You may also use the search function to look for specific topics or people, for example. A description of the current scope of the ME/CFS Research Register (beta) can be found on the starting page (Home).
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3 of 3 research networks

Search networks
COVID-19 Research Network Lower Saxony (COFONI)
COFONI is a research network funded by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture (MWK), consisting of 5 partners from the German state of Lower Saxony. These partners combine their core scientific competencies to research key areas which are critically relevant to combat the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and its long-term effects. (Description adapted from project website: see...
Research type:
Clinical research
Research projects:
Immune Mechanisms of ME (IMMME)
The Immune Mechanisms of ME (IMMME) research network, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF), is conducting research into the immunological pathomechanisms of post-infectious ME/CFS. In this interdisciplinary research network, scientists and doctors from the fields of immunology, neurology, infectiology, rheumatology and pediatrics work together....
Research type:
Basic research,Basic research,Basic research,Basic research,Basic research
Research projects:
National Clinical Studies Group (NKSG)
The National Clinical Studies Group (NKSG), funded by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF), is an interdisciplinary network of physicians and scientists with the aim of conducting translational research and therapy studies for the treatment of ME/CFS and post-COVID Syndrome (PCS).(Description adapted from project website: see link above)
Research type:
Clinical research,Clinical research,Clinical research,Clinical research,Clinical research,Clinical research,Clinical research,Clinical research,Clinical research,Clinical research
Research projects: