ME/CFS is a severe neuroimmunological disease that often leads to a high degree of physical and cognitive dysfunction. Its cause and development are still largely unknown. Therefore, the options for clinical treatment of patients are limited. There are large gaps in knowledge because hardly any tissue samples are available from those affected and comparisons with defined control groups are difficult to achieve.
The BioSig-PEM research network aims to investigate the cardinal symptom of ME/CFS, the stress-related worsening of symptoms Post-exertional Malaise (PEM). The aim is to identify central pathophysiological signatures of PEM phenotypes in ME/CFS patients with the help of fitness trackers, molecular and immunological as well as imaging methods.
This work is expected to make an important contribution to a better understanding of the pathophysiology of ME/CFS and to help measure the severity of individual PEM phenotypes. This will contribute to the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches based on disease progression in the future.
Description adapted from research network website: see link above.