ME/CFS is a severe neuroimmunological disease that often leads to a high degree of physical and cognitive dysfunction. Its cause and development are still largely unknown. Therefore, the options for clinical treatment of patients are limited. There are large gaps in knowledge because hardly any tissue samples from those affected are available and comparisons with defined control groups are difficult to achieve.
The aim of the VADYS-ME research network is to investigate factors and mechanisms of vascular function and blood flow in ME/CFS using complementary research approaches and methods. To this end, extensive clinical data will be combined with functional studies, complex imaging methods and metabolic and laboratory tests in various tissues and organs. In addition, the connection between metabolic changes and the function of mitochondria in muscle cells will be examined in more detail.
The work is intended to help define a panel of biomarkers for a vascular signature of the disease. This is intended to improve diagnosis and patient classification and provide a basis for the development of new diagnostic markers and therapeutic strategies for ME/CFS.
Description adapted from research network website: see link above.