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Clinical and Diagnostic Features of Post-Acute COVID-19 Vaccination Syndrome (PACVS)


Article information:
Vaccines (Basel). 2024 Jul 18;12(7):790.


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Post-acute COVID-19 vaccination syndrome (PACVS) is a chronic disease triggered by SARS-CoV-2 vaccination (estimated prevalence 0.02%). PACVS is discriminated from the normal post-vaccination state by altered receptor antibodies, most notably angiotensin II type 1 and alpha-2B adrenergic receptor antibodies. Here, we investigate the clinical phenotype using a study registry encompassing 191 PACVS-affected persons (159 females/32 males; median ages: 39/42 years). Unbiased clustering (modified Jaccard index) of reported symptoms revealed a prevalent cross-cohort symptomatology of malaise and chronic fatigue (>80% of cases). Overlapping clusters of (i) peripheral nerve dysfunction, dysesthesia, motor weakness, pain, and vasomotor dysfunction; (ii) cardiovascular impairment; and (iii) cognitive impairment, headache, and visual and acoustic dysfunctions were also frequently represented. Notable abnormalities of standard serum markers encompassing increased interleukins 6 and 8 (>80%), low free tri-iodine thyroxine (>80%), IgG subclass imbalances (>50%), impaired iron storage (>50%), and increased soluble neurofilament light chains (>30%) were not associated with specific symptoms. Based on these data, 131/191 participants fit myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and simultaneously also several other established dysautonomia syndromes. Furthermore, 31/191 participants fit none of these syndromes. In conclusion, PACVS could either be an outlier of ME/CFS or a dysautonomia syndrome sui generis.

Authors (all)

Anna Katharina Mundorf, Amelie Semmler, Harald Heidecke, Matthias Schott, Falk Steffen, Stefan Bittner, Karl J Lackner, Karin Schulze-Bosse, Marc Pawlitzki, Sven Guenther Meuth, Frank Klawonn, Jana Ruhrländer, Fritz Boege

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