ME/CFS Research Foundation Logo

Clinical epidemiology in nephrology


Working group head:
Hannover Medical School (MHH)


Research types:
Clinical research




The research group of Prof. Schmidt uses methods of clinical epidemiology to address questions in the field of nephrology, transplantation medicine and hypertensiology. The spectrum of methods includes the performance of own prospective and retrospective cohort studies, the analysis of secondary data, the processing of own questions in existing large databases and the analysis of these data with modern regression models. As it is a characteristic of the field that there are only small studies on many clinically relevant questions - but often several of them - the evidence according to criteria of "evidence based medicine" is often low. The group tries to counteract this by conducting meta-analyses on important topics in nephrology, transplantation medicine and hypertensiology. The performance of meta-analyses and network meta-analyses represents a further focus of the working group. The substantive focus of research is in the area of cardiovascular risk, particularly after renal transplantation, progression reduction of chronic renal failure, acute renal failure, and hypertension, as well as gender-related differences in these areas of interest.  (Description adapted from working group website: see link above)
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