ME/CFS Research Foundation Logo

Statistical Methods of Translation and Early Clinical Studies


Working group head:
Charité – University Medicine Berlin


Research types:
Basic research,Clinical research




The working group deals with the development of statistical methods and their application in preclinical, clinical and diagnostic studies and their interfaces in terms of translation. Typical examples of these research areas are toxicological studies, studies on rare diseases and biomarker selection. These tests are often based on very small sample sizes, so that standard methods based on certain distribution assumptions cannot be used. Furthermore, the data are often highly dimensional, i.e. there are more dependent measurements per test unit than independent repetitions of the test. Furthermore, in the early clinical development often complex nested questions and subgroups are considered, which can usually only be examined with special multiple test procedures. The aim of the working group is to develop valid and robust methods with which such studies can be adequately evaluated. (Description adapted from working group website: see link above)
Research projects (2)
Research areas (5)
Research types (1)
Research networks (1)
People (1)