The project is led by Jeremy Schmidt from the Clinic for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine at the University Hospital for Child and Adolescent Medicine OWL at Bielefeld University at the Evangelisches Klinikum Bethel and Dr. Zoe Oftring from the Institute for Digital Medicine at the Phillips University of Marburg at the University Hospital of Giessen and Marburg. The project aims to investigate better care for children and adolescents with ME/CFS through app-based telemonitoring. ME/CFS sufferers are often house or bedbound. Telemonitoring enables the collection of important vital signs, longitudinal symptom tracking and a close medical monitoring by specialist outpatient clinics based on low-threshold telemedical communication channels.
The aim is to develop hybrid care for young ME/CFS sufferers (using video calls, wearables, digital sensors, e.g. for blood pressure), which can later be integrated into standard care and possibly transferred to adults.
The study is based on the experiences of the coverCHILD Telemonitoring feasibility study, which was carried out i young people with post-COVID syndrome.by the above institutions together with the Chronic Fatigue Center for Young People (MCFC) at the Technical University of Munich.
Description adapted from project website: see link above.
Not available.
Patients enrolled: Not available
Age group: Not available